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Electron beam weld profile

Typical Electron beam weld profile showing depth to width ratio and Heat affected zone

Electron beam welded bellows assembly.Eb welded anneroid capsule

Electron beam welded bellows assembly.

Post weld inspection by Helium leak testing.

weld test piece inspection

Our quality assurance processes comprise of Helium leak testing and the capability to section, polish, etch and photograph test pieces. This reveals weld penetration depth and placement.


Helium leak testing

The company has in house machining and TIG welding capability to meet most project's tooling requirements. The design and manufacture of which is paramount to producing an end product of high quality welds with a very accurate repeat ability for batch work.

We also have many standardised jigs and fixtures which adapt to hold many components for the welding process.

This again helps to reduce costs and delivery times.

The company is NQA ISO 9001 2015 compliant.

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