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What is Electron beam welding?


Electron beam welding (EBW) is a machine controlled process carried out in a vacuum chamber.

A focused beam of electrons, velocity approaching 0.5 times the speed of light strike the work piece, instantly vaporising the metal and generating the processes characteristic “key hole”. This results in an extremely narrow deep penetrating weld, giving a high integrity joint with minimal distortion and heat input.

The ability to control the Electron beam by adjusting power and focus settings enables penetration depths to be set from 0.01mm to 10.00mm (max for EBE Ltd 3Kw machines).

Electron beam welded sensor


You have reached the website of Electron Beam Engineering Limited









Operating with over 30 years experience, Electron Beam Engineering Ltd provides a bespoke electron beam welding service to a range of industries






Why use Electron beam welding?


  • Low heat input for welded parts

  • Minimal distortion

  • High depth to width ratio

  • Narrow heat affected zone

  • No added filler materials

  • Welds up to 95% of strength of the base material

  • Vacuum environment eliminates impurities

  • Precise control of penetration and repeatability

  • Welding of metals with dissimilar melting points

  • Parts require minimal post weld machining

Operating versatile machines, Electron Beam Engineering Ltd has the capacity to produce prototypes or large production batches. This allows customers to produce new products while keeping development costs down. EBE Ltd guarantees excellent quality, flexible delivery and competitive prices.

EB video

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Electron beam weldedDriveTrain component
Electron beam welded Motor Sport component
Electron beam welded Radial Spacer

 Electron Beam weld taking place

120mm dia 17/4PH stainless steel.

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